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R.A.K. Mason

A Hundred Thousand Blessings

May a hundred thousand blessings fall upon your house, O China,
May they fall like the small drops that spatter the dust,
When, after long drought, the land lies warm and waiting.
May they alight on your rooftops like the quiet doves of peace,
Gliding down through the air as softly as the autumn poplar leaves,
And may these blessings be all around you in all your paths,
You and your children forever.

Epigram on a Certain Newspaper

Winds roar, seas rage, skies fall ... nothing dismays me
so long as the New Zealand Herald does not praise me.


R.A.K. Mason (1905-71) was “New Zealand’s first wholly original, unmistakablly gifted poet” (Allen Curnow). Poems are from Uncollected Poems (Cold Hub Press ) from the Hocken LIbrary’s Mason archives, Dunedin. Used with permission of Kat Zolita Mason.